From 0b08da0f3c9406f2902e42c9183d58feb4df4aee Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: boufala <>
Date: Thu, 30 May 2024 18:21:00 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] done with fragement 3

 AST/                  |   4 ++-
 AST/            |  18 +++++++++++
 AST/              |  10 +++++++
 AST/             |  26 ++++++++++++++++
 AST/                 |   5 +++-
 Compilateur$JJCalls.class          | Bin 378 -> 378 bytes
 Compilateur$LookaheadSuccess.class | Bin 298 -> 298 bytes
 Compilateur.jj                     |  46 ++++++++++++++++++-----------
 test.js                            |  22 +++++++++++++-
 9 files changed, 111 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 AST/
 create mode 100644 AST/
 create mode 100644 AST/

diff --git a/AST/ b/AST/
index 6c6ea43..48a8a76 100644
--- a/AST/
+++ b/AST/
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
 package AST;
 public abstract class Commande extends AST{
     public abstract String toAssembly();
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AST/ b/AST/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c3e7629
--- /dev/null
+++ b/AST/
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+package AST;
+// Classe pour représenter une variable
+public class DoWhileCommand extends Commande {
+    private ExpressionA cond;
+    private Commande cmd;
+    public DoWhileCommand(Commande cmd, ExpressionA expr) {
+        this.cmd=cmd;
+        this.cond=expr;
+    }
+    @Override
+    public String toAssembly() {
+        String s = (this.cmd).toAssembly();
+        String c = (this.cond).toAssembly();
+        return s + c + "ConJmp -" + (Tools.countNewLines(s) + Tools.countNewLines(c)-1) + "\n";
+    }
diff --git a/AST/ b/AST/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..909bd31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/AST/
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+package AST;
+public class EmptyCommand extends Commande{
+    public EmptyCommand(){}
+    @Override
+    public String toAssembly(){
+        return "";
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AST/ b/AST/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..042def1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/AST/
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+package AST;
+// Classe pour représenter une commande if-then-else
+public class IfElseCommand extends Commande {
+    private ExpressionA condition;
+    private Commande trueBranch;
+    private Commande falseBranch;
+    public IfElseCommand(ExpressionA condition, Commande trueBranch, Commande falseBranch) {
+        this.condition = condition;
+        this.trueBranch = trueBranch;
+        this.falseBranch = falseBranch;
+    }
+    @Override
+    public String toAssembly() {
+        String t = trueBranch.toAssembly();
+        String f = falseBranch.toAssembly();
+        String e = this.condition.toAssembly();
+        return e + "Conjmp "+ Tools.countNewLines(t) +"\n"+ t + "Jump "+ Tools.countNewLines(f) + "\n" + t ;
+    }
diff --git a/AST/ b/AST/
index d75d30a..75f2d5d 100644
--- a/AST/
+++ b/AST/
@@ -15,7 +15,10 @@ public class Programme extends AST {
     public String toAssembly() {
         String assembly = "";
         for (Commande commande : commandes) {
-            assembly = assembly+commande.toAssembly()+"Drop\n";
+            assembly = assembly+commande.toAssembly();
+            if(commande instanceof ExpressionA){
+                assembly+="Drop"+"\n";
+            }
         return assembly;
diff --git a/Compilateur$JJCalls.class b/Compilateur$JJCalls.class
index baf1265786d748a5b9397f27aaa1961250074ad0..3d0aa7fce1b2f43f24b9be3321d8f0397f1108c1 100644
GIT binary patch
delta 13

delta 13

diff --git a/Compilateur$LookaheadSuccess.class b/Compilateur$LookaheadSuccess.class
index bb6b73a53335b13b437d3f2b5bb235dee20cf855..bd052506d726cd77265dab73e2ae256b1d557a5b 100644
GIT binary patch
delta 13

delta 13

diff --git a/Compilateur.jj b/Compilateur.jj
index c8c5a64..ad7c78c 100644
--- a/Compilateur.jj
+++ b/Compilateur.jj
@@ -29,26 +29,34 @@ public class Compilateur {
       < FLOAT: (("0" | ["1"-"9"] (["0"-"9"])* )? "." (["0"-"9"])+ (("E" | "e") ("+" | "-")? (["0"-"9"])+)? ) | (["0"-"9"])+ (("E" | "e") ("+" | "-")? (["0"-"9"])+)>
     | < NOMBRE: (["1"-"9"] (["0"-"9"])* | "0") (("E" | "e") ("+" | "-")? (["0"-"9"])+)?>
     | < BOOLEAN: "True" | "False">
-    | < EOL: ";\n" | ";" >
     | < NAN: "NaN">
     | < IMPORT: "import">
-    | < SEMICOLON : ";" >
-    //| < EQUAL : "=" >
-    | < IDENT : ["a"-"z"] (["a"-"z", "A"-"Z", "0"-"9", "_"])* >
+    | < IF: "if" >
+    | < ELSE: "else" >
+    | < DO: "do" >
+    | < WHILE: "while" >
+    | < EOL: ";\n" | ";" >
+    | < SEMICOLON: ";" >
+    | < ASSIGN: "=" >
+    | < PLUS: "+" >
+    | < MINUS: "-" >
+    | < MULTIPLY: "*" >
+    | < DIVIDE: "/" >
+    | < LPAREN: "(" >
+    | < RPAREN: ")" >
+    | < LBRACE: "{" >
+    | < RBRACE: "}" >
+    | < IDENT: (["a"-"z"])+ (["a"-"z", "A"-"Z", "0"-"9", "_"])* >
 { " " | "\t" | "\n" | < "//" (~["\n", "\r"])* ("\n" | "\r" | "\r\n") > | < "/*" (~["*"])* "*" (~["/", "*"] (~["*"])* "*" )* "/" >}
 Programme mainNT() : {
     Programme programme;
 } {
@@ -69,22 +77,26 @@ Programme programme() : {
 Commande commande() : {
     Token id;
     ExpressionA expr;
+    Commande cmd1, cmd2;
     Programme prg;
 } {
-      LOOKAHEAD(2) id=<IDENT> "=" expr=expression() <EOL> { return new Assignment(id.image, expr); } // le lockhead pour eviter les conflit !!
+    LOOKAHEAD(2) id=<IDENT> "=" expr=expression() <EOL> { return new Assignment(id.image, expr); }
     | expr=expression() <EOL> { return expr; }
     | <IMPORT> expr=facteur() <EOL> { return new Import(expr); }
-    | "{" prg=programme() "}" { return new Bloc(prg); }
+    | <LBRACE> prg=programme() <RBRACE> { return new Bloc(prg); }
+    | <EOL> {return new EmptyCommand();}
+    | <IF> <LPAREN> expr=expression() <RPAREN> cmd1=commande() <ELSE> cmd2=commande() { return new IfElseCommand(expr, cmd1, cmd2); }
+    | <DO> cmd1=commande() <WHILE> <LPAREN> expr=expression() <RPAREN> <EOL> { return new DoWhileCommand(cmd1, expr); }
 ExpressionA expression() : {
     ExpressionA gauche, droite;
 } {
-     gauche=comp() (
-        "==" droite=comp() { gauche = new Egal(gauche, droite); }
+    gauche=comp() (
+        "=="  droite=comp() { gauche = new Egal(gauche, droite); }
         | ">=" droite=comp() { gauche = new GrEgNb(gauche, droite); }
-        | ">"  droite=comp() { gauche = new GrStNb(gauche, droite); }
-        | "<"  droite=comp() { gauche = new LoStNb(gauche, droite); }
+        | ">" droite=comp() { gauche = new GrStNb(gauche, droite); }
+        | "<" droite=comp() { gauche = new LoStNb(gauche, droite); }
         | "<=" droite=comp() { gauche = new LoEqNb(gauche, droite); }
         | "!=" droite=comp() { gauche = new NotEql(gauche, droite); }
         | "&&" droite=comp() { gauche = new Et(gauche, droite); }
@@ -108,7 +120,7 @@ ExpressionA terme() : {
     ExpressionA gauche, droite;
 } {
     gauche=facteur() (
-        "*" droite=facteur() { gauche = new Mult(gauche, droite); }
+          "*" droite=facteur() { gauche = new Mult(gauche, droite); }
         | "/" droite=facteur() { gauche = new Div(gauche, droite); }
         | "%" droite=facteur() { gauche = new Modulo(gauche, droite); }
     )* {
@@ -122,5 +134,5 @@ ExpressionA facteur() : {
     <NOMBRE> { return new Num(Integer.parseInt(token.image)); }
   | <FLOAT> { return new FloatT(Float.parseFloat(token.image)); }
   | <BOOLEAN> { return new Bool(Boolean.parseBoolean(token.image)); }
-  | <IDENT> { return new Ident(token.image);}
+  | <IDENT> { return new Ident(token.image); }
diff --git a/test.js b/test.js
index 1308a88..4d63857 100644
--- a/test.js
+++ b/test.js
@@ -1 +1,21 @@
-2*10+x == 3*8;
\ No newline at end of file
+// to test the if else
+if (x<10){
+    x+1;
+    y=10;
+// to test the do while
+do {
+    y=y+1;
+// to test the compressed sequence of commands
+    e+1;
+    a-10;
+    3+1;
+// to test the EmptyCommand
\ No newline at end of file